Thursday, March 29, 2018

Higher Low Speed Easy - 4800 baud APRS

Onward to the future.   I realized yesterday that all the pieces were at hand to start running 4800 baud APRS packet as well as good old 1200 baud.  It simply required a small tweak to an existing configuration of the DIREWOLF software modem.  Thanks to the ease of working with windows audio systems - both the new DIREWOLF modem and the existing UZ7HO (1200 baud) system can run at the same time with the signal source - the 6 pin mini-din data jack on a Kenwood D710A.  The built in TNC on the D710 is running as a 9600 baud digipeater on our UHF packet channel.

Now to advertise it and see if anybody else wants to experiment.

Bill, WA7NWP

1 comment:

boB said...

Eggs-Salad !