Thursday, March 29, 2018

Higher Low Speed Easy - 4800 baud APRS

Onward to the future.   I realized yesterday that all the pieces were at hand to start running 4800 baud APRS packet as well as good old 1200 baud.  It simply required a small tweak to an existing configuration of the DIREWOLF software modem.  Thanks to the ease of working with windows audio systems - both the new DIREWOLF modem and the existing UZ7HO (1200 baud) system can run at the same time with the signal source - the 6 pin mini-din data jack on a Kenwood D710A.  The built in TNC on the D710 is running as a 9600 baud digipeater on our UHF packet channel.

Now to advertise it and see if anybody else wants to experiment.

Bill, WA7NWP

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

We'll be back...

2017 ... So much to say..   Not sure yet where to say it.   Perhaps moving all content here to the homegrown content system.  Stay tuned and 73's (t)...

Update 3/28/18 - the homegrown CMS is coming along slowly.  I will eventually move everything there.  In the meantime I'm going to start posting here again just as a place to keep things online.