Friday, August 9, 2013

Raspberry PI first steps

Some notes from an Email posting - I'll clean up the formatting RSN.   Bill


There was some questions about where to go next when the PI package arrived.   I worked through that this morning and have successfully pinged which I consider a good start...

Here's what I've done.   This is the Windows process...

* Purchased a package of PI rev B, case, power module and cable -
* mkdir /work/pi
* Downloaded the Raspbian Wheezy image from the link at to /work/pi
* Extracted iso image from .zip file
* Downloaded the SHA-1 calculator tool as described at :
* Opened CMD window; cd /work/pi;  ran calculator on the unpacked image.   Yeah - it matches.
* Downloaded win32diskImage tool from, unpacked to
/work/pi/win32diskimage ;
* Inserted 8 GB Sandisk SD card - Class 6(10 MBs - not great but it's what I had and it was on sale...)
* ran win32diskImage.exe - selected SD card.  Selected .iso image. "WRITE" - it said 'success'..  Yeah!
* Essentially followed quick start instructions from :
  - HDMI from PI to TV
  * USB keyboard to PI
  * 8 GB SD card to PI
* Power cable from PI to power module.  Power Module to outlet...
* TV to PI - it's there (YEAH!) and Linux is booting.
* First time there was some setup steps.  Interesting but I'll get that later.
* Switched PC from client on the (NW-MESH) network back to Server - Internet Connection Sharing from the Telephone Internet Dongle..
* Network cable from PI to the WRT54G.  ..wait..  ifconfig shows 172.27.0.x - YEAH!  we're on the net.
* ping - YEAH! it works.
* df -h . ; shows only 1.5 G disk.  Hmm - how to get back to that one time config screen?   Wasn't hard to find: "sudo raspi-config"
  - expanded the file system
  - advanced
    + enabled SSH
    + renamed hostname from 'raspberrypi' to 'pi1'
* rebooted - YEAH - now have the full 8 GB available.

# that's the main setup.   Here's a couple more items to check out the system.

* checked to see how it compared to the pogo series 4 server.   cat /proc/cpuinfo -  700 bogomips,  That's close to the 800 bogo's of the pogo.  Good enough!
* wondered if if did online updating.  Yes - 'sudo apt-get update' worked.   'sudo apt-get upgrade' wanted to bring in 80 MB of upgrades.  It's not a good time on the marginal network so I tested bringing in one of the listed packages with a simple "sudo apt-get install
nfs-common".   I see now that Raspbian is a Debian branch so the apt-get tool chain is to be expected.