> E-Mail to be sent to and From the BBS, an E-Mail host will
> be needed to keep the BBS Call sign correct, an example
> Would be n9pmo.com, you can setup a separate E-Mail Account
> with your ISP Server how ever The @Call Sign will be replaced
> with the Senders E-Mail Address, this is an Example of
> Using my E-Mail Account, n9pmo@
(personal email accounts removed to protect from the scum spammers...)
I've been experimenting with this functionality on JNOS using GMAil.
There's a magic "+" trick in an gmail TO address where everything
after the + is ignored. Thus it should be possible to send Email to
BBS users with something like: REDBBS+n9pmo@gmail.com. My JNOS
box would POP the REDBBS messages and be smart enough to direct the
"REDBBS+n9pmo" message straight to the "n9pmo" user.
Something like that make work here for the new BPQ BBS. The GMAIL
accounts are certainly readily available, use standard Internet Email
technologies and have good spam filtering.
Bill - WA7NWP